1·The structure, function and regulation of eye are special and exact, so it does depend on IC to maintain balance and exercise function.
2·Damage on dorsal roots lead to sense-conducting pathway interruption, as well as to exercise function and coordination ability disorder.
3·Objective To explore the effect of nursing - based health intervention on amelioration of exercise function for senile people in urban community.
4·It's helpful for children to understand that heredity, state of development, age, diet, exercise, posture, and other factors all affect how people's bodies look and function.
5·Other studies have found improvements in cognitive function after a combined regimen of physical exercise and cognitive training.
6·Nutrition and exercise will also help your heart - you need a strong heart for your eyes to function properly.
7·By practicing this exercise daily, the retina will be gradually accustomed to brighter light. Progressively your eye can function efficiently at any range of light intensities.
8·Your brain needs exercise just like your body does to be able to function in top form.
9·Tests can be categorized according to the amount of code they exercise: a unit test verifies the functionality of a single software component, such as a function or a class.
10·Research suggests diet and exercise can improve human brain function and defend against Alzheimer's, but researchers aren't sure why.